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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lying vs. Honesty

Pronunciation: 'lI-i[ng]
Function: adjective
a :marked by or containing falsehoods : FALSE

Pronunciation: 'ä-n&s-tE
Function: noun
a : fairness and straightforwardness of conduct
b : adherence to the facts : SINCERITY

"The check is in the mail."
"Your baby is so cute."
"This meatloaf is delicious."

They are lies but on a very small scale. Socially acceptable and even somewhat expected these types of lies are told on a daily basis in most of middle class America. When someone is caught in one of these fibs it is more a joke than a shock. So if this is a "small" lie then what other kinds of lies are there?

There are "fish stories" or "tall tales". These are usually told by a grand parent or a crazy uncle. These involve outlandish claims or unreal situations. Grandpa might claim he caught a ten foot fish while Grandma shakes her head and indicates something around a foot or so. It might be Dad’s account of the time he saved his whole platoon in the last "great" war. Perhaps it is Mom telling the family tales of how your descendants were famous in their own time. Maybe Uncle Milton will regale you with the story about that time he saw the Loch Ness Monster. More lies. These lies are bigger than "small" but not big enough to do any real damage.

Then there are the "misrepresentations" or "misstatements". This might be a car that is sold as barely used but really had a new paint job and the odometer rolled back. It could be a pre election politician claiming to stand for one thing only to begin doing another thing. It is that free gift with purchase that really requires a hefty postage fee. And any guy in a chat room who claims to be a handsome single doctor looking for a relationship. These are lies that are told to distract from the truth. These are the lies fall under the category of dangerous. These are the beginnings of the "big" lies.

A "falsehood" is an outright deception. These are stories told with full intention of covering up the known truth. Criminals tell these in an attempt to keep from going to prison. A spouse tells these to cover up an affair. Children tell these to avoid being grounded. Politicians tell these once elected. These claim the title of "big" lies. These are the lies that hurt not just one but many.

Most people, in the course of their lives, will tell some sort of lie. Some people tell more lies than others. Some grow out of telling lies. Some bury themselves so deep in lies they do not know what the truth is. Lying can become an addiction. It can be something one gives up to become more virtuous. It happens to the best of us. It is an interracial part of the worst of us.

So, what is the worst kind of liar? The kind that does it and then lies about the lies. The kind that play the victim when they are caught in their lies. The kind that cry or get angry and defensive when they are caught. The kind that won't own up to the fact that what they said was wrong, hurtful and misleading. The kind that never grow out of that middle school mentality that if it is said then it must be true.

Why do some people grow older without ever growing up?

Here’s the equations that I offer them all that even a child can understand:


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Kerwin Kitty

There is now a third member of our family...Kerwin.

He's a fiesty little one year old long haired kitty. His name means"little black one" in Gaelic.

Although he is very pretty and playful the thing that really sold us on him is he is slightly broken.

When he was a kitten he was stepped on by a large dog and his back legs were damaged. He still walks (and leaps) but he sort of leans to one side and can't jump very high. He trips when he walks and has a bit of trouble getting up on the couch. He fits right in.

His first owners moved and couldn't take him with them. We found himat a no kill shelter were the cats are allowed to roam free and havean outside enclosure in addition to "kitty condos".

We are very happy with our new baby. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Rebecca and Scott sittin in a tree....

And now we begin working towards our 5th year!
What will happen next?
Who knows?
Stay tuned! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow, snow, snow???

Again with the snow?
What the heck?? Posted by Picasa

1,460 days ago I started dating this guy...

As of today, Scott and I have been together for 4 years! I know, I can't believe it either.

2,103,795 minutes!

I'm glad we like each other because that's a lot of minutes.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's 27 degrees outside...

It's still snowing! This is the 3rd day that it's been grey and snowy. And- I love it!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I think I can...

I went on my first train ride Saturday!

It was so much fun and so much more relaxing than driving. I read, looked out the window and listened to my iPod.

I loved seeing the landscape slip by. The tracks took us on, over and even beneath the coastline hillsides.

I started envisioning myself traveling the entire USA via train. Scott said he wants to go to Yellowstone by train this next summer!

I can't wait to ride the rails again. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 01, 2007

Goodbye 2006, Hello 2007

Happy New Year!!!!!

Here they are, my New Year's resolutions for 2007 and a summary of my 2006 successes.

Goals for 2007:

#1 Finish a half marathon (All signed up-but I still have to train or I won’t make it to the finish line)

#2 Get my health issues taken care of (I have the insurance- now it‘s time to use it)

#3 Lose weight (I need to lose about 40 pounds!)

#4 Get a furry baby (There are NO good reasons why we shouldn’t get a cat this year)

#5 Complete my first year of Grey School (If I just buckle down I can do this one really easy)

#6 Visit my family in California (It’s been a year and a half since I last saw them)

#7 Read 50 books I’ve never read before (Although I may really want to-No rereading books I’ve read before!!!)

#8 Move closer to work (Which will save time and a lot of money)

#9 Experience more of the Seattle area (inc. going to the top of the Space Needle!!)

#10 Be Happy (My never ending quest)

2006 goals I attained:

#1-Make the move from part-time to full-time job in theatre... I now work for two different theatres and I love my work! Although I may let my second job go at the end of the season I am hoping to replace it with a better one over the summer. Working in the field that I am happy in has really made a difference in my overall well being. Although the pay is poor the benefits are worth it.

#3-Join a charity walk... I walked the Love em or Leave em Valentines 5k. My time was 44.50minutes which I hope to beat this year at some event later on in the year.

#6- Join the G school... I joined and am now half way through my first year studies.

#7- Learn a new skill... I learned a few new skills at the GSW Conclave!

#8- Get health insurance... Got it! After so many years without it I finally received insurance when I joined the staff of SSC in May.

#10- Be happy... This is my ongoing goal. I found many things in 2006 to be happy about. I am hoping 2007 brings even greater happiness for myself and all of my family and friends.