Week #2- Workout #3

I still can't believe I live somewhere that is so beautiful!
I smile every time I see the snow covered top of Mt. Baker while driving through town. Or when Mt. Rainier makes an appearance. Or when the Olympics peak out of the clouds in the distance.
Everything is so green here. The sky is so blue. The air smells of sea. It's just lovely to live here. And-even on it's hottest days it's not really all that hot!
Today was a heavy workout day for me. I worked out hard. I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow!!
Workout #3 Saturday (5:30pm)
---Elip.-Jog/Hill Incline 2-16/ 2.40 miles/ 30minutes/ Intensity 5-7
---Bike/Hills/ 10.05 miles/ 30minutes/ Intensity 3
---Weights- Chest/ Shoulders/ Arms
Total time= 1 hour 30 minutes
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