Lots of questions...

1. Why has my student loan payment jumped up $57 when I could barely pay it when it was $57 less?
2. Why is there nothing good on cable Sunday afternoons?
3. Why am I still sick?
4. Is there a good way to lose weight? I've been exercising, avoiding fast food/fats/sweets and stopped drinking fancy coffee drinks but I have not dropped a pound.
5. Why are celebrities so shallow?
6. Why are gas prices so high?
7. Why does my face keep breaking out? I had perfect skin in high school and then I "grow up" and start breaking out.
8. How do you fix a leaky faucet? The kitchen sink is driving me crazy. Drip, drip, drip.
9. When am I going to win the lottery? I guess I could increase my chances by buying a ticket.
10. What is that smell?

As of today Scott and I have been together 3 1/2 years! Can you believe that? Me neither.
Hey Rebecca! I know from experience how much losing weight can SUCK. I will say this: In the first month or two of a routine, you can actually gain and not lose weight because you are increasing your muscle. That said, I would recommend you take your measurements. Write them down. Keep up your inspirational workouts and health consciousness. And on the same day each month, remeasure yourself. Once in Corvallis I went to a place called Curves (have it in lots of small towns -- interval training combining weights and aerobics). It worked wonders. Or I guess I did : ) Some months you don't shrink much, others you sure do. They measured lots of places. Ones I can recall: Calves, thighs, hips (ass:), waist, beneath breasts, breasts, upper arm (bicep). There were probably more. But after several months, it's quite inspirational to add up the lost inches!
Other tried and true tips:
- never skip breakfast (doing so makes you more hungry throughout the day)
- drink TONS of water
- At restaurants, put half the food in take-out carton off the bat and don't think of it again til the next meal time.
- Eat food on smaller plates. Looks like there's more that way :)
- And Gammie once told me she never has a beverage with her meal because it has something to do with rinsing the food taste from your mouth and tricking the body into thinking it's hungry.
These are all things I've used with success and without success over the years. Keep on keepin on, gorgeous!
Only celeberties shallow? what about all the rest of the women in the world...
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