Saturday, December 31, 2005

We walked down to the bridge to watch the fireworks. There were other people there too (with booze). The Sound was full of boats that were covered with lights...And-The view of the city was spectacular. (At midnight there were fireworks going off all around us and the boats were all blowing their horns. It was sooo cool.)

Special Edition- Scott's Thought of The Day (New Year's)
And now a word from the smartest boy on the planet:
The moment of the New Year is really, really cool when you think about it. It's like a giant wave, sweeping across the earth. No, not like an ocean wave... I mean a "wave," like we did at mom's graduation, when people stand up one-at-a-time, throw their arms up, and go "WWWWOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Only on New Year's Eve, the wave goes all over the planet... if you could zoom in with a camera and pan over the planet in fast forward, you'd see everyone standing up to go "WWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" with their arms held high, spread out by only an hour, which would seem like mere seconds in fast forward.
Anyway, when midnight hits tonight, go crazy! And think of the people that went crazy before you, and those who will go crazy soon after. Tonight, Rebecca, Erin and I will all go "WWWWOOOOOOOO!!!!" all at the same time... an hour later, Katie and 100 of her closest friends will all go "WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" And eventually, Grandma Billy in Hawaii will go "WWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as well!
So, Happy New Year, everyone... "WWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Stardate 12/29/2005 (Our adopted fuzzie)

We ordered pizza tonight (Scott insisted it's good luck....He's watching the Bowl Game...Ducks vs Sooners) and look what came with the food! This is the cat that lives nextdoor. She thinks that she belongs to us. Every night when I come home from work she's waiting by the front door. She invites herself in and takes a quick tour of the house. We think that she's going to be devestated when we have our own furry bundle of joy...but...for now I think that it's ok for her to pretend she's ours.