Stardate 12/29/2005 (Our adopted fuzzie)

We ordered pizza tonight (Scott insisted it's good luck....He's watching the Bowl Game...Ducks vs Sooners) and look what came with the food! This is the cat that lives nextdoor. She thinks that she belongs to us. Every night when I come home from work she's waiting by the front door. She invites herself in and takes a quick tour of the house. We think that she's going to be devestated when we have our own furry bundle of joy...but...for now I think that it's ok for her to pretend she's ours.

Erin is back on the crack pipe, i see.
Rebecca - does kitty have a name? Besides dander-infested alergy ball? :)
(it is cute, tho)
Adam wants to know if you want one of ours (Connor). He is willing to ship him to you. I keep telling him that Connor would escape and find his way home.
Katie- She has a name I'm sure...However, seeing how she only speaks Catoneese and Purrchageese she can not converse with us.
Bridget- I'm sure Connor loves his Daddy too much to move all the way to Washington!
Ahhh a foreign kitty! does her meow have an accent?
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