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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Out with the old and in with the new and improved!

Today is a day I will always remember.

I woke up at 7:30am and hauled my butt to the sofa. I watched as the crowds gathered, important people readied their notes and armored cars rolled down the streets of Washington DC.

I cheered when our new First Lady and kids appeared. I laughed when the old president waved happily to booing crowds. I cried when our new president swore the oath.

It was one of the greatest days in the history of this young country.

I am once again proud to be an American.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Like real city dwellers we grabbed a taxi and went down to Pike Place. Scott had a table reserved for us at one of the little bistro's down there. Great food, lots of booze and rose petals on the table...A very good time was had.


Today Scott and I celebrate our 6 year anniversary!

This 6th year was quite a ride. We got engaged, moved to Seattle, Scott got a new job...ect.....

It's been great. I can't wait to see what year 7 has in store for us.

Friday, January 02, 2009

2008 Reading List

I forgot to post my reading list from 2008!

1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (3 stars)
2. The Stand (4 stars)
3. Life of Pi (2 stars)
4. Finn (3 stars)
5. Edenborn (3 stars)
6. Soon I will Be Invinsible (3 stars)
7. The House on Mango Street (1 star)
8. Fever (3 stars)
9. Ya-Ya Sisterhood (0 stars) This was the only book I couldn't bring myself to finish this year
10. Heart Shaped Box (3 stars)
11. Cheaper by the Dozen (2 stars)
12. Plainsong (3 stars)
13. The Princess Diaries (3 stars)
14. Daughter of the Red Deer (3 stars)
15. The Member of the Wedding (2 stars)
16. We Thought You Would Be Prettier (3 stars)
17. The Postman (4 stars)*
18. To Say Nothing of the Dog (4 stars)*
19. Fellowship of the Ring (4 stars)
20. The Two Towers (4 stars)
21. The Return of the King (4 stars)
22. I Am Legend (4 stars)
23. Digital Fortress (2 stars)
24. A Dirty Job (4 stars)
25. Casino Royal (2 stars)
26. Geek Love (2 stars)
27. Son of a Witch (3 stars)
28. Size 14 Is Not Fat Either (3stars)
29. Expendable (4 stars)
30. Island of Dr. Moreau (3 stars)
31. The Poseidon Adventure (3 stars)
32. The Ruins (2 stars)
33. Sunday at Tiffany's (2 stars)
34. Millennium (2 stars)
35. Autobiography of a Fat Bride (3 stars)
36. P.S. I Love You (4 stars)
37. The Marriage of Sticks (3 stars)
38. I, Robot (3 stars)
39. Good In Bed (4 stars)
40. The Red Tent (4 stars)*
41. Girl, Interrupted (3 stars)
42. The Birth of Venus (4 stars)
43. The Mist (4 stars)
44. Special Topics in Calamity Physics (2 stars)
45. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (4 stars)

*=These may be bumped to 5 stars because I liked them so much. By far the best reads of 2008!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009

How Did I Do On My 2007 Resolutions?

1. Get serious about living healthy- I’ve made some big steps toward this goal this year. I’ve joined a weight loss program and the gym down the street. I sometimes walk to work and around town instead of driving. I watch what I eat (most days). While I can’t call it completed I’ve made a good start towards living healthier.

2. Finish a half marathon- I didn’t make it. I was not healthy enough. However, I’ll be working on this next year to prepare for the hood to Coast.

3. Pay off my extra bills- This is a work in progress although I did get rid of a few bills for good this year I also added a few on.

4. Go Camping/Hiking- I did both! Scott and I camped this fall and I did a good amount of hiking around in Yellowstone

5. Take some classes- I began the year by taking a African Drum Class. I ended the year by beginning my Non Profit Management courses at UW!

6. Donate more to charity-I donated (with the help of friends and family) more than $500 to charity this year. I was a volunteer helper for the Seattle International Film Festival and volunteer ushered the whole season at the Paramount! I’ve also signed up to begin the volunteer program at PAWS cat shelter (which was delayed because of the snow).

7. Improve my space-We moved to Seattle and that was a huge improvement in space! I’m so glad we moved here and I hope we stay in this town for a long time.

8. Meet new people-I suck at this. While I have deepened my work relationships and created more friends that way I’ve not branched out. I need to come up with better networking and social skills for this coming year.

9. Go on a cruise-Still nothing yet but it’s nice to dream.

10. Be happy- I’m working on it…always.

Resolutions for 2009

1. Successfully plan a wedding- We have a new idea that is bigger and better (and cheaper) than before. We WILL have a wedding planned and in progress by the end of this year.

2. Complete my part of the Hood to Coast-This is so important to not only me but Scott. I want to do something that is healthy and positive and I can’t think of a better way than this.

3. Take Lily on her first camping trip-It’s going to be great!

4. Find a new and better paying job-With the economy the way it is I know this will be a challenge. I really want to advance my career experience and it’s time to move on.

5. Go on a one month sugar fast-It’s going to be tough but I think I need a sugar detox.

6. Do more charity work-I want to raise more money and do more charitable activities this year. Maybe I’ll start of with a charity 5k and then who knows what?

7. Begin writing-I want to start putting all those pages of notes and ideas into some sort of order for the book I’ve been writing in my head for the last few years.

8. Do something I’ve never done before once a month-I want to try something new and exciting. I need to give myself something to look forward to and this is the perfect way.

9. Get a complete makeover-This is my far-fetched-but-it’s-fun-to-dream goal this year. I need a new haircut, make up look, better clothes…ect…. I need it all. I wish I could be on one of those shows where they just do a complete overhaul!

10. Be happy- It’s my work in progress.

Happy New Year!