Stardate 07/29/2005 (Ahhh...Friday!)

Happy Friday everyone!

I love Fridays. My favorite part is at 5:01pm when you walk out the door of work knowing that you won't be back for two whole days!! It's not that I don't like work. I just like not being at work more.
As to the issue of Scott's search for new employment: He flies out to Kennewick on Aug. 18th. If by that time Everett has decided to ask him for a face to face interview he will rent a car and drive to Everett that same weekend. After interviewing with Kennewick, he is now under the impression he might be the only candidate for that job! Everett told him he is one of three finalists. They only want to fly up two so after his phone interview next week then they will decide if they want to meet him in person.
The antici........pation is killing us. He's a nervous wreck. I'm going crazy too. I can't begin even searching for a job until we know for sure where we are off to.
Anyway- We are going to Santa Cruz tomorrow so that will help break the tension a bit. I have been given free tickets to see Two Gentlemen of Verona! I guess these tickets were high priced and not to be parted with lightly. There are advantages to being well connected I suppose.
I am off to rehearsal now.
Happy Friday to all!
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