Stardate 07/26/2005 (Ah...Chloroform...The gift that keeps on giving)

Gosh-I sure don't miss dating!

Today was a boring day not worth writing about.
All I can think of now is the clock ticking. I'll keep you all posted.
American Cities That Best Fit You: |
70% Seattle |
65% Austin |
60% Las Vegas |
55% Denver |
55% Honolulu |
Wow! 70%!!
Seattle sucks!! It's too big! The traffic is a nightmare! My friend Nicole just left Anchorage for Seattle and was saying sadly how Seattle is so clinical, so sterile, how you never run into people you know. Not like in Anchorage, she said. She's right!! Anchorage is a small big town! Plus Erin lives in Seattle. You don't want to live near Erin, do you? :) HAHAHAHA!
I'm honestly not a huge fan of the small town, running into people I know all the time atmosphere...As to the Erin issue...well, like you said Seattle is big...Plus, I heard she's invisible??!! :)
Well in that case... ANchorage is HUGE! there's like 250,000 people plus tons of tourists and two military bases! It's like New York! But with Moose! :)
I just saw your weather thing says 95 degrees. GROSS!! I so cannot do hot weather anymore. The hottest it gets here is like mid-70s. I love it. It feels really warm too, like warmer than 70 felt anywhere else i lived. That's actually one reason i have a hard time seeing myself ever going back to Oregon. Summers there are gettin' steamy!
Well in that case... ANchorage is HUGE! there's like 250,000 people plus tons of tourists and two military bases! It's like New York! But with Moose! :)
I just saw your weather thing says 95 degrees. GROSS!! I so cannot do hot weather anymore. The hottest it gets here is like mid-70s. I love it. It feels really warm too, like warmer than 70 felt anywhere else i lived. That's actually one reason i have a hard time seeing myself ever going back to Oregon. Summers there are gettin' steamy!
Damnit, i hate double-posting. so embarrassing.
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