Stardate 08/16/2005 (You gotta take the sweet with the sour, Baby)

discover what candy you are @ quiz meYesterday was plain awful! My Dad had a stroke and I woke up to the phone call from the hospital. He's ok though. I talked to him later. I think that he's going to be getting a pace maker.Today has been sort of a blah day. Nothing has happened-yet. I have rehearsal in a few minutes so we'll see...Scott is so nervous now he can't sit still. I just know he's going to be great!Oh! And-I finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! It was great! I laughed and I cried! Now I can't wait for the next one. I'm going to be so sad when the story ends!!! Maybe she'll write about Harry until he's old and grey.
When are scott's interviews again?
My "nerd score" was 10.
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