Stardate 08/14/2005 (Praise to Scott's Mommy)

White Wolf Lodge-Quaint Atmosphere Yummy Food.

Scott and I received a lovely gift yesterday...Scott's Mommy made us reservations at the White Wolf Lodge for dinner! So I got out of an all day rehearsal early (YAY!) and we drove to Yosemite to dine. On our way we stopped off in the valley to have (maybe) one last look around and buy T-shirts (Just like the tourists!!) We were then rewarded on our way out of the valley floor with not one but two brown bear sightings!!! This was the first time I had ever seen a bear in the wild-Very Exciting!!! We then drove up to the pass and had dinner. The cafe is a small converted ranger house. We sat inside, although the porch in candle light was lovely, due to the fact it was only 40 degrees outside!! We dined on trout with shrimp sauce, rice and steamed green beans, veggie stew, salad, espresso cheesecake and lots of coffee!! It was one of the nicest dinners Scott and I have ever had together. Thanks to Scott's Mommy for a wonderful evening. We could not have had a better send off from Yosemite. Plus we've been so stressed lately it was a nice break from it all.
Only four more days!! It was all we could talk about on the way to Yosemite yesterday. Cross your fingers, say your prayers or think happy thoughts-Whichever may please you- And hope that Scott is the prettiest Pookie they have ever seen!
I am so glad you had a good time!
A "send-off" was exactly what I was hoping for. The bears are a very positive omen. Full of good medicine they are!
P.S. I'll stop by the bank Monday and transfer the funds for the gift.
Happy Thoughts!
Happy Thoughts!
Happy Thoughts!
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