New Year's Resolution #3: Completed (My First 5k)
Walking is man's best medicine.
Hippocrates (460 BC - 377 BC)

I did it! I did my first 5k today.
Here I am at the starting line. The race was just about to begin. I was really pumped up.
When the race began I was in the back with the slowest walkers.
Mavis Little (my Nano) was playing that song "Everyday" by Bon Jovi.
Birds were singing, dogs were barking and hundreds of people had joined together to walk around a lake for fun.
And we were off. The first few tenths I walked hard (but not too hard). Then I ran/walked the rest of the way.
And you know what? It felt great.

Wow, Rebecca! This is awesome-- keep it up!
did you run like a ninja???
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