My Big Fat Yellowstone Aventure-Day 1:

-I make my way from Seattle to Yellowstone. It takes me 14 hours of almost non-stop driving but I get there with my sanity intact...sort of.
-I am delighted to find the only Sonic in this neck of the woods. I stop for a well deserved cherry limeade and a soggy burger. (Reminds me of college and I think of that while driving through the entire top part of Idaho....all 60 minutes of it!)
-I find out that gas is verrrry expensive in all 4 states that I must travel through and to fill my tank cost a whopping $50! (It takes 2 1/2 tanks to drive from Seattle to Yellowstone in my little car.)
-I arrive in Yellowstone just in time to see a heard of elk crossing the road.
-Erin greets me at the Old Faithful Lodge and we have fancy drinks and fried green beans to celebrate my arrival.
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