I wonder if he had a stomach ache afterwards?

Stupid people leaving their food (and a wedding cake at that) unattended in the forest. What did they expect would happen?
We watched and waited to see...
This little guy was running across the picnic tables, saw the cake and did a double take. Then he jumped down and ran around the table just to make sure that it wasn't a trick. After he made sure the coast was clear he dove for the frosting. He was just going to town too!
Afer I snapped a couple of pictures I tried to shoo him away. He was not going to give up the cake without a fight. Ihad to almost touch him before he got scared enough to run!
However, he didn't go very far away. In fact, he was just waiting for me to turn my back. Someone from the wedding party returned just in time to catch him in the act a second time.
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