Three things about today:

#1-Why does everyone think I'm a kid? Every time people ask my age and I tell them they stare at me like I'm lying. And when I get a new job they always label me as "the kid" only to find out later that I am as old or older than a good portion of the staff. (My newest job is no exception although I must admit that this time I am only older than three other employees.) I'm so sick of it! Does anyone have any ideas on how I can look older? I know I am the only woman in America asking that question. I mean, I'm pushing thirty and people still think I look like I might be in high school!
#2-Two huge flocks of Canadian geese flew over the house today. I ran out the door as fast as I could to watch them wing their way south. I love to hear them honking to each other as they make their V formations in the sky. I guess it really is Fall now.
#3-I went to the doctor today.
You're probably thinking "Why the heck is this important?" Well-
Most of you will never know what it is like to be ill all of the time and unable to get medical care. And I pray you never get to find out either.
I have not been able to see a real doctor for more than three years because I didn't have health insurance. But now I do and boy am I going to use it!
The first thing the doctor did was give me some pills for my allergies. Second he scheduled a long needed surgical procedure for my leg. Third he informed me that I have no septum divider thing up inside my nose! He said that I am only the third person he has ever seen that in. The first two were coke addicts. Then he asked me if I was a coke user. Ha! After I stopped laughing...He also said if I wanted a nose ring that all I would need to do is insert it no piercing needed!!
Crazy! Who knew? I didn't, that's for sure. However, I think I'll skip the nose ring for now.
You know what your not the only one in the world that has an issue with people thinking that your younger then you are. I have that problem all the time. I guess I kind of see it as being something that is good because it benefits me in the long run. At the same time it is a little annoying that I get carded everytime I go to a rated R movie. At work I have people ask me when I'm going to graduate from high school. All those things happen to me too and I am 30 not just pushing it.
Oh and the other thing about being sick all the time. I can't identify with that as much as my brother can. You remember my brother Alan. He has Crohn's and has always been employed by independent companies with either no or very little insurance. He had to have part of his intestine removed and that was very expensive. Not to mention the Remicad that he gets. My family knows about not having or having very expensive insurance were you basically pay for everything. I hope your issues get solved now that you have insurance.
Yes that was funny about not having the divider inside your nose.
hahaha, COKEHEAD!!!
Hmm, I can't believe you actually lied to the doc! You know you are a crackhead!
You need to call me when you have a MINUTE. I get out of school about 3:00.
Miss ya bunches and bunches!
Hugs and kisses. hahaha
Rebecca, I still get ID'ed at the liquor store and I'm about the same age as you.
Wow, cocaine, eh? You addict, you.
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