Stardate 12/13/2005 (Oh X-mas Tree)

We set up our tree a few weeks ago but I forgot to post pictures. I enjoy the glow of it each evening. Now it's even better with all of the gifts under it. Well-All of my gifts under it. Scott has managed to buy a few of his own but after an entire day of shopping on Sunday (and only three gifts bought) there is no telling when the rest will appear??? Boys and shopping just don't mix. :)

tell me about it! john's been christmas shopping like a thousand times now.
oh - and tell your silly boyfriend that I'm not calling him back. My birthday was YESTERDAY. Can't he ever get that stuff right? He doesn't realize how hurtful it is when he doesn't call us on these special days. Beat him up for me! Or at least just give him an icy glare for a few seconds.
sad sister
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